About The Gregg Mace Foundation

The Gregg Mace Foundation aims to provide scholarships and mentoring to students interested in pursuing a career in sports media.

Gregg was a role model. His high standards, strong job integrity, and professionalism were his trademarks. He became your cherished coach, celebrating successes and wanting to hear how his interns were continuing in their careers. More importantly, he encouraged and cared about maintaining those relationships. He wanted you to become the best person you could be. We want to celebrate his legacy and his mentoring as it was integral to his whole being.

Throughout his long career, he was always ready to share information about his jobs and his own career path. Because he was so accessible many people sought him out for advice. He would provide guidance and suggestions to the interested high school student who was just starting to explore careers in sports, as well as, the college student who needed the all-important internship. Every person was worthy of his time and attention. If you called or emailed, he always got back to you and wanted you to know your call or message was truly important to him.

Scholarships will be generated through fundraising events and generous donations. Mentorships, like that of Gregg’s, will be continued by his valued colleagues and many friends.

“Always the consummate gentleman, no job was too small to be considered. His work ethic was unparalleled. This commitment and dedication were the motivation for many successful professionals. His strength was being honest and candid, always able to give the all-important constructive feedback. But he also provided emotional support to his proteges by being a good listener and a non-judgemental sounding board. He valued different perspectives and joyfully shared his knowledge by providing resources and helping develop contacts.

“we felt this would be a small and modest way to celebrate Gregg. He was Central Pennsylvania sports. However, if you asked him about his career, he would say his accomplishments always took a backseat to the genuine joy he felt when covering local sporting events. He felt so blessed to be doing a job he truly loved. We hope to recognize this by creating the foundation. Kyle and I have been overwhelmed by the love and support from everyone and their willingness to be involved in so many ways.”

- Caroline Mace, Founder